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A person caught on camera shooting his wife in a horrific manner while driving has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. Now there is outrage over the jury, which was predominantly composed of women, as the sentence wasn't deemed long enough.

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Kerry Birmingham, 60, was seen on video shooting his wife, Patricia, who was only wearing a dress, while she was recording him with a shotgun.

Patricia was heard telling her husband, "You really want this on video," to which he replied, "I'll take it, I'll take it for you, enough people deserve it."

Moments later, Birmingham pulled the trigger, shooting Patricia in the face three times.

The murder incident outside Houston was captured on video. Birmingham has admitted guilt.

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He claimed to have been in a rage because he found out about allegations that his wife was having an affair. His family insists it's not true.

Defense attorney Anthony Oso said, "The defense was not about justice, it was about why he did what he did."

Evidence was presented to the 12-member jury, entirely composed of women, which was rare. They expressed sympathy for Birmingham, giving him 10 years instead of the 20 years sought by prosecutors.

Jury consultant Jo-Ellen Dimitrius told Inside Edition, "What the all-female jury told me was that they clearly heard and saw on that video and saw some things that were disturbing to them about Mr. Birmingham, no matter what."

The decision shocked the victim's family.

"I believe they judged my sister, who did not beg for her life and stood strongly against someone who loved her for 20 years and killed her, she stood strongly," said the sister of the deceased.

Regarding the allegations of abuse in the relationship, the sister said, "She claimed he was on her head that my sister was torturing her and they took computers and they took phones, and there is no evidence of that."

The couple's 18-year-old daughter Olivia spoke to Inside Edition.

"I lost my dad's love that day. Even if he is still alive, when I see him, he is not the same person, and certainly, he took my mom away," Olivia said.

Birmingham will be eligible for parole within five years.

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